The best choice to find your next classic car

Discover a handpicked collection of perfectly restored classic cars. Every ride tells a story and gives you that timeless driving experience. Ready to find your dream car with all the style and charm only classics can offer?

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Incomparable variety

Our collection offers an unmatched variety of these iconic classics, each with its own unique charm and story, waiting for you to drive them home.

Financing Facilities

Flexible Financing for Your Dream Classic Car. Drive away in the perfect vintage vehicle with tailored financing options designed to fit your budget.

Premium Service

Our team is always ready to serve you in the best possible way, making your dream come true in the most peaceful and transparent way possible


Volkswagen T2 1997

U$ 19,900

Volkswagen T2 1996

U$ 23,900

Volkswagen T1 1994

U$ 19,000

Volkswagen T2 1986

U$ 24,900

Volkswagen T2 Camper 1996

U$ 28,900

Volkswagen T2 1989

U$ 24,900


Why buy with us?

We are not just another store that sells cars, we are specialists. Our team has years of experience in the classic cars industry and our store already has 5 years of many dreams come true. We serve with the greatest transparency possible and assist you in what you need both in pre-sale and after-sale. More than customers, we make friends. Count on us for anything you need to have a classic car of quality and provenance